Friday, February 6, 2009

Adrenaline Shot Dream

I had another crazy dream last night and this time I actually remembered a lot of the details.

It starts out at Target. Or I should say, a Target-like store because I'm holding a PDT and helping guests with some furniture. But it's kind of weird furniture. One chair is covered in shaggy beast hair. Another walks around aimlessly. I'm most entranced by this rather large aquarium we have and in it is a fish that has a kitten face. I'm trying to sell the hair chair for some reason when these 3 little black kids dart through. They're obviously stealing something but I don't really know what it is. I stop selling and start chasing. The path they take leads us outside (somewhere similar to behind my other job) and they are cornered and balancing on a pile of shrub brush about to fall.

I talk them down from the unsteady unknown pile and the littlest boy lets me help him down by swinging him into my arms. From somewhere else some other people emerge and start setting small fires around the residential area. Me and the three little boys are stamping out most of the fires and I go up onto a deck to put out some more before they catch that whole house on fire when they (the teenagers or whoever that started the fire) kidnap that littlest boy. This makes me angry because I liked those little kids so I sprint down from the raised deck around the back of one house, then two - practically flying with speed (which I definitely can't do in real life). I nearly catch up to them and they are jumping into their car that they'd left at a nearby restaurant. They back out and I'm about ready to throw myself on top of the car to slow them down when they reverse in a faster gear. All the sudden on of the men in the back seat leans out the back window with a gun and fires once and misses because I drop to the ground. I'm laying at an inopportune angle facing uphill and towards their car because when they fire again I'm hit in the shoulder and the bullet's trajectory is heading at an angle across my body, missing my heart, hitting my lungs. The adrenaline of the bullet's impact shivers all through my body and I wake up.

Insane, ne? I can't help wondering what it means. I hope it doesn't mean I'm going to have to talk down a suicide, stop an arsonist, stop a kidnapping and get shot for my trouble.

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